On 2/9/2017 4:03 AM, Sedat Kestepe wrote:
> When I try to create a collection through Solr or create an index through
> Hue using a csv file, I get the below error:
> { "message": 
> "{\"responseHeader\":{\"status\":400,\"QTime\":16025},\"error\":{\"metadata\":[\"error-class\",\"org.apache.solr.common.SolrException\",\"root-error-class\",\"org.apache.solr.common.cloud.ZooKeeperException\"],\"msg\":\"Error
> CREATEing SolrCore 'deneme': Unable to create core [deneme] Caused by:
> Could not find configName for collection deneme found:[twitter_demo,
> testCollMoney, collection1]\",\"code\":400}}\n (error 400)", "traceback": [
> [ "/usr/local/hue/desktop/libs/libsolr/src/libsolr/api.py", 541,
> "create_core", "response = self._root.post('admin/cores', params=params,
> contenttype='application/json')" ], [
> "/usr/local/hue/desktop/core/src/desktop/lib/rest/resource.py", 132,
> "post", "allow_redirects=allow_redirects,
> clear_cookies=clear_cookies)" ], [
> "/usr/local/hue/desktop/core/src/desktop/lib/rest/resource.py", 81, "invoke"
> , "clear_cookies=clear_cookies)" ], [
> "/usr/local/hue/desktop/core/src/desktop/lib/rest/http_client.py", 173,
> "execute", "raise self._exc_class(ex)" ] ], "detail": null, "title": "Error
> while accessing Solr" }

It can't find the config for this collection when trying to create cores
for the collection.  Either you did not tell it which config to use, or
it cannot find the config.
> If I try to install examples on Hue, I get the below error:
> "responseHeader":{"status":400,"QTime":7},"error":{"metadata":["error-class"
> ,"org.apache.solr.common.SolrException","root-error-class",
> "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException"],"msg":"Error CREATEing SolrCore
> 'twitter_demo': Unable to create core [twitter_demo] Caused by:
> solr.ThaiWordFilterFactory","code":400}}

The ThaiWordFilterFactory was deprecated sometime in the 4.x series. 
This means that it was removed from 5.0 and later.  The javadocs for
this class on version 4.8 say that you should use ThaiTokenizerFactory
instead.  Your schema needs changes.

> The only was I can create a collection is uploading zookeeper config first
> then using ./solr create -c command (both manually on command line). I want
> to be able to create them over web ui.

The "bin/solr create" command does its work in two steps.  First it
takes the configset (which defaults to basic_configs if you don't
specify it) and copies that configset to zookeeper with the same name as
the collection, then it calls the Collections API to create that
collection, using the config name that it just uploaded.

In order to be able to use the HTTP API to create a collection, the
config that you want to use must already be present in zookeeper.  If
the "collection.configName" parameter is sent with the CREATE request,
then it will use the config with that name, otherwise it will look for a
config with the same name as the collection.  If it can't find a config
to use, it will produce the error you have described.


> Story: First I installed Solr on Ambari while existing Ambari Infra Solr
> was working. When doing this, Ambari was not starting Solr with /infra-solr
> Zookeeper path.
> Today I removed Solr (keeping Infra-Solr but stopping it) on another host.
> Result was the same. One tip: even if this installation is a clean one,
> Solr installation canoeist the configs left from my very first manual Solr
> installation on tree view.
> Environment:
> Ambari: 2.4.2
> HDP: 2.5.3
> Solr: 6.4.0 from https://github.com/abajwa-hw/solr-stack (I changed the
> repo URL to 6.4.0)
> Hue: 3.11 on Docker (Centos 6.8)

If you did not get Solr from an official Apache mirror, then we cannot
make any guarantees about *what* you are installing -- they may have
modified it.  I am unfamiliar with all of the other software pieces you
have mentioned.  We will not be able to help with those.


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