I'm experimenting with field collapsing in solrcloud 6.2.1 and have this
set of request parameters against a collection:


My default handler is just defaults:

    <requestHandler name="/default" class="solr.SearchHandler">
        <lst name="defaults">
            <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>

The first query runs about 600ms, then subsequent repeats of the same query
are 0-5ms for qTime, which I interpret to mean that the query is cached
after the first hit.  All as expected.

However, if I enable facets without actually requesting a facet:


then every submission of the query runs at ~600ms.  I interpret this to
mean that caching is somehow defeated when facet processing is set.  Facets
are empty as expected:

    facet_counts": {
      "facet_queries": { },
      "facet_fields": { },
      "facet_ranges": { },
      "facet_intervals": { },
      "facet_heatmaps": { }

If I remove the collapse directive


qTimes are back down to 0 after the initial query whether or not faceting
is requested.

Is this expected behaviour or am I missing some supporting configuration
for proper field collapsing?



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