It might be <>.


14.2.2017, 11.52, Henrik Brautaset Aronsen kirjoitti:
We are seeing performance degradation on our SolrCloud instances after
upgrading to 6.4.1.

Here are a couple of graphs.  As you can see, 6.4.1 was introduced 2/10

These are two very different usage scenarios:

* Solr1 has constant updates and very volatile data (30 minutes TTL, 20
shards with no replicas, across 8 servers).  Requests in the 99 percentile
went from ~400ms to 1000-1500ms. (Hystrix cutoff at 1.5s)

* Solr2 is a more traditional instance with long-lived data (updated once a
day, 24 shards with 2 replicas, across 8 servers).  Requests in the 99
percentile went from ~400ms to at least 1s. (Hystrix cutoff at 1s)

I've been looking around, but cannot really find a reason for the
performance degradation.  Does any of you have an idea?



Ere Maijala
Kansalliskirjasto / The National Library of Finland

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