
Solr 5.4.1, multiple cores with two cores per shard. Zookeeper 3.4.6   (5 
zookeeper ensemble).

I have noticed an error with the replication between two cores in a shard. I’m 
having to perform a schema update which means I have to stop and start the 
cores.  I’m trying to do this in a way so I don’t get any down time. Restarting 
one core in the shard, waiting for that to come back up before restarting the 
second one.

However when restarting the master, the slave isn’t flipping and becoming the 
master itself.  Instead I’m getting errors in the log as follows:

Exception while invoking 'details' method for replication on master -Server 
refused connection at xxx

When I run


Is see

<lst name="slave">

<str name="ERROR">invalid_master</str>

<str name="masterUrl">http://xxx:8983/solr/core_name/</str>

<str name="currentDate">Wed Feb 15 10:44:30 UTC 2017</str>

<str name="isPollingDisabled">false</str>

<str name="isReplicating">false</str>



Once the old master comes back up again, it comes in as a slave, which is what 
I would expect. However as the other core hasn’t flipped into becoming the 
master, I am left with both cores thinking they are slaves.

I would expect when the master goes down and is unreachable, the slave would 
flip and not just throw an error about the connection.  Does anyone have any 
ideas on why this is happening and could point me in the direction of what to 
do to fix this issue?

Many thanks


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