I'm wondering, is there some way ("out of the box") to tell Solr that we're only interested in indexing certain parts of a page? For example, let's say I have a bunch of pages in my site that contain some common navigation elements, roughly like this:

    <div id="myNavBar">
      Stuff here about parts of my site
    <div id="navBar2">
      More stuff about other parts of the site
    ....A bunch of stuff particular to each individual page...

Is there some way to either tell Solr to not index what's in the two divs whenever it encounters them (and it will-in nearly every page) or, failing that, to somehow easily give content in those areas a large negative score in order to get the same effect?

FWIW, we are using Nutch to do the crawling, but as I understand it there's no way to get Nutch to skip only parts of pages without writing custom code, right?

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