Hi Mohan,

> On Feb 26, 2017, at 1:37 AM, mohanmca01 <mohanmc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i searched with (bizNameAr: شرطة ازكي), and am getting:
> […]
> the expected result is:   "id": "82",
>                                  "bizNameAr": "شرطة عمان السلطانية - قيادة
> شرطة محافظة الداخلية - - مركز *شرطة إزكي*",
> as the above has both the words mentioned in the query (marked as Bold),
> where the rest have the following:
>        "id": "63",
>        "bizNameAr": "شركة ظفار للتأمين ش.م.ع.ع - فرع ازكي"
> it has only one word of the query (ازكي)
>        "id": "56",
>        "bizNameAr": "شرطة عمان السلطانية - قيادة شرطة محافظة شمال الشرقية 
> -  - مركز شرطة إبراء"
> it has only one word of the query (شرطة)
> "id": "79",
> "bizNameAr": "شرطة عمان السلطانية - قيادة شرطة محافظة شمال الشرقية - - مركز
> شرطة إبراء"
> It has only one word of the query (شرطة)
> where the above 3 records should not come in the result since already 2
> words mentioned in the query, and only one record has these two words.

Solr's standard query language includes two mechanisms for requiring terms: ‘+’ 
before a required term, and ‘AND’ between two required terms.  ‘+’ is better - 
see <https://lucidworks.com/2011/12/28/why-not-and-or-and-not/> for more 

You can also set the default operator to ‘AND’, e.g. via request parameter 
“&q.op=AND” (if this is always what you want, you can include this in the 
/select request handler’s definition in solrconfig.xml).  See 
for more information.  

> I would really suggest if we can give you a real-time demo on our system
> with my Arab colleague so it can be more clear for you. let us know if we
> can do that.

I prefer to keep discussion on this public mailing list so that others can 
benefit.  If you find that you need faster or more interactive help, you can 
check out the list of people who have indicated that they provide Solr support: 


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