On 3/1/2017 8:48 AM, Liu, Daphne wrote:
> Hello Solr experts, Is there a place in Solr (Delta Import
> Datasource?) where I can adjust the JDBC connection frame size to 256
> mb ? I have adjusted the settings in Cassandra but I'm still getting
> this error. NonTransientConnectionException:
> org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: Frame size (17676563)
> larger than max length (16384000 Thank you.

Whatever your JDBC driver can do with JDBC URL parameters, Solr can ask
it to do.  There's probably a URL parameter to change that, but you'll
need to check with the driver docs.

This is the url definition in one of my DIH configs, where I use a URL
parameter to tell the MySQL JDBC driver that I want zero dates to be
eliminated, because Solr can't handle them:


JDBC is intended to be a generic database access framework, and DIH
layers an even more generic configuration on top of JDBC.  This falls
into the realm of special configuration.  URL parameters are the best
way to handle special configuration for a specific JDBC driver, and the
ONLY way to do it with DIH, unless you are interested in writing some
custom java code to use with Solr.

Solving this problem may require talking to whoever created the JDBC
driver that you are using.  This is the question I would ask them:

"Are there JDBC URL parameters to configure the frame size and other
similar settings, or another way to change the configuration that does
not involve writing custom Java code?"

I was unable to determine what driver you're using, or to find any kind
of documentation about how you might configure it.

As an alternative, you could try lowering the frame size on the DB server.


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