> You have indicated that you have a way to avoid doing updates during the
> full import.  Because of this, you do have another option that is likely
> much easier for you to implement:  Set the "commitWithin" parameter on
> each update request.  This works almost identically to autoSoftCommit,
> but only after a request is made.  As long as there are never any of
> these updates during a full import, these commits cannot affect that import.

I had attempted at least to say that there may be a few updates that happen at 
the start of an import, so, they are while an import is happening just due to 
timing issues. Those will be detected, and, re-executed once the import is done 
though. But my question here is if the update is using commitWithin, then, does 
that only affect those updates that have the parameter, or, does it then also 
soft commit the in progress import? I cannot guarantee that zero updates will 
be done as there is a timing issue at the very start of the import, so, a few 
could cross over. 

Adding commitWithin is fine. Just want to make sure those that might execute 
for the first few seconds of an import don’t kill anything. 
> No matter what is happening, you should have autoCommit (not
> autoSoftCommit) configured with openSearcher set to false.  This will
> ensure transaction log rollover, without affecting change visibility.  I
> recommend a maxTime of one to five minutes for this.  You'll see 15
> seconds as the recommended value in many places.
> https://lucidworks.com/2013/08/23/understanding-transaction-logs-softcommit-and-commit-in-sorlcloud/
> <https://lucidworks.com/2013/08/23/understanding-transaction-logs-softcommit-and-commit-in-sorlcloud/>

Oh, we are fine with much longer, does not have to be instant. 10-15 minutes 
would be fine.

> Thanks
> Shawn

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