I am trying to do a graph traversal query using gatherNode function. I am
seeding a streaming expression to get some documents and then I am trying
to map their ids(conceptid) to a multi valued field "participantIds" and
gather nodes.

Here is the query I am doing.

> search(collection1,q="*:*",fl="conceptid",sort="conceptid
> asc",fq=storeid:"524efcfd505637004b1f6f24",fq=tags:"Project"),
> walk=conceptid->participantIds,
> gather="conceptid")

The field participantIds is a multi valued field. This is the field which
holds connections between the documents. When I execute this query, I get
exception as below.

{ "result-set": { "docs": [ { "EXCEPTION":
"java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.io.IOException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:
java.io.IOException: --> not sort
on multivalued field: participantIds", "EOF": true, "RESPONSE_TIME": 15 } ]
} }

Does this mean you can not look into multivalued fields in graph traversal
query? In our solr index, we have documents having "conceptid" field which
is id and we have participantIds which is a multivalued field storing
connections of that documents to other documents. I believe we need to have
one field in document which stores connections of that document so that
graph traversal is possible. If not, what is the other the way to index
graph data and use graph traversal. I am trying to explore graph traversal
and am new to it. Any help would be appreciated.


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