Hello Jan,

What if you combine child and parent dismaxes like below
q={!edismax qf=$parentfields}foo bar {!parent ..}{!dismax qf=$childfields
v=$childclauses}&childclauses=foo bar +type:child&parentfields=...&

On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 10:54 PM, Jan Nekuda <jan.nek...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Mikhail,
> thanks for fast answer. The problem is, that I want to have the dismax on
> child and parent together - to have the filter evaluated together.
> I need to have documents:
> path: car
> type:car
> color:red
> first_country: CZ
> name:seat
> path: car\engine
> type:engine
> power:63KW
> path: car\engine\manufacturer
> type:manufacturer
> name: xx
> country:PL
> path: car
> type:car
> color:green
> first_country: CZ
> name:skoda
> path: car\engine
> type:engine
> power:88KW
> path: car\engine\manufacturer
> type:manufacturer
> name: yy
> country:PL
> where car is parent document engine is its child a manufacturer is child
> of engine and the structure can be deep.
> I need to make a query with edismax over fields color, first_country,
> power, name, country over parent and all childern.
> when I ask then "seat 63 kw" i need to get seat car
> the same if I will write only "seat" or only "63kw" or only "xx"
> but if I will write "seat 88kw" i expect that i will get no result
> I need to return parents in which tree are all the words which I wrote to
> query.
> How I wrote before my solution was to split the query text and use q:*:*
> and for each /word/ in query make
> fq={!parent which=type:car}/word//
> /
> //and edismax with qf=color, first_country, power, name, country
> Thank you for your time:)
> Jan
> Dne 16.03.2017 v 20:00 Mikhail Khludnev napsal(a):
> Hello,
>> It's hard to get into the problem. but you probably want to have dismax on
>> child level:
>> q={!parent ...}{!edismax qf='childF1 childF2' v=$chq}&chq=foo bar
>> It's usually broken because child query might match parents which is not
>> allowed. Thus, it's probably can solved by adding +type:child into chq.
>> IIRC edismax supports lucene syntax.
>> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:47 PM, Jan Nekuda <jan.nek...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> I have a question for which I wasn't able to find a good solution.
>>> I have this structure of documents
>>> A
>>> |\
>>> | \
>>> B \
>>>       \
>>>        C
>>>         \
>>>          \
>>>           \
>>>            D
>>> Document type A has fields id_number, date_from, date_to
>>> Document type C  has fields first_name, surname, birthdate
>>> Document type D AND B has fields street_name, house_number, city
>>> I want to find *all parents with block join and edismax*.
>>> The problem is that I have found that possible is find children by
>>> parent,
>>> or parent by children.
>>> *I want to find parent by values in parent and in children*. I want to
>>> use
>>> edismax with all fields from all documents (id_number, date_from,
>>> date_to,
>>> has fields first_name, surname, birthdate,street_name, house_number,
>>> city).
>>> I want to write *Hynek* AND *Brojova* AND 14 and I expect that it returns
>>> document A because it found Hynek in surname, Brojova in street and 14 in
>>> house number.
>>> This is easy with {!parent which=type:A}
>>> the problem is, that I'm not able to find by condition 789 AND *Brojova*
>>> where 789 is id_number from type A and Brojova is Street from D.
>>> In short I need to find all parents of tree (parent and childern) in
>>> which
>>> are matched all the word which i send to condition
>>> My only solution is to make root type X. Then A will be its child. Then I
>>> can use {!parent which=type:X}.
>>> Than this will work:
>>> http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/select?q=*:*&fq={!parent
>>> which=type:X}brojova*&fq={!parent which=type:X}16&wt=json&
>>> indent=true&defType=edismax&qf=id_number date_from date_to has fields
>>> first_name surname birthdate street_name house_number
>>> city&stopwords=true&
>>> lowercaseOperators=true
>>> But I believe it can be solved much better.
>>> X
>>> |
>>> A
>>> |\
>>> | \
>>> B \
>>>       \
>>>        C
>>>         \
>>>          \
>>>           \
>>>            D
>>> Thanks for your help
>>> Jan
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Sincerely yours
Mikhail Khludnev

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