On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 4:27 PM, Andrea Gazzarini <gxs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Shalin,
> many thanks for your response. This is my scenario:
>  * I build my index once in a day, it could be a delta or a full
>    re-index.In any case, that takes some time;
>  * I have an auto-commit (hard, no soft-commits) set to a given period
>    and during the indexing cycle, several hard commits are executed. So
>    the buildOnCommit (I guess) it's not an option because it will
>    rebuild that suggest index several times.

Yes, you're right, multiple commits will cause the suggest index to be
rebuilt needlessly.

> But I have a doubt on the second point: the reference guide says:
> /"Use buildOnCommit to rebuild the dictionary with every soft-commit"/
> As I said, I have no soft-commits only hard-commits: does the rebuild happen
> after hard commits (with buildOnCommit=true)?

I peeked at the code and yes, actually the rebuild happens whenever a
new searcher is created which means that it happens on soft-commits or
on a hard commit with openSearcher=true.

> The other option, buildOnOptimize, makes me curious: in the scenario above,
> let's say documents are indexed / deleted every morning at 4am, in a window
> that takes 1 max 3 hours, how can I build the suggest index (more or less)
> just after that window? I'm ok if the build happens after a reasonable delay
> (e.g. 1, max 2 hours)

Can the client not send an optimize command explicitly after all
indexing/deleting is complete?

> Many thanks,
> Andrea
> On 20/04/17 11:11, Shalin Shekhar Mangar wrote:
>> Comments inline:
>> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 2:46 PM, Andrea Gazzarini <gxs...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> any help out there?
>>> BTW I forgot the Solr version: 6.5.0
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andrea
>>> On 18/04/17 11:45, Andrea Gazzarini wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a project, with SolrCloud, where I'm going to use the Suggester
>>>> component (BlendedInfixLookupFactory with DocumentDictionaryFactory).
>>>> Some info:
>>>>    * I will have a suggest-only collection, with no NRT requirements
>>>>      (indexes will be updated with a daily frequency)
>>>>    * I'm not yet sure about the replication factor (I have to do some
>>>>      checks)
>>>>    * I'm using Solrj on the client side
>>>> After reading some documentation I have a couple of doubts:
>>>>    * how the *suggest.build* command is working? Can I issue this
>>>>      command towards just one node, and have that node forward the
>>>>      request to the other nodes (so each of them can build its own
>>>>      suggester index portion)?
>> The suggest.build only builds locally in the node to which you sent
>> the request. This makes it a bit tricky because if you send that
>> command with just the collection name, it will be resolved to a local
>> core and executed there. The safest/easiest way is to set
>> buildOnCommit or buildOnOptimize in the suggester configuration.
>>>>    * how things are working at query time? Can I use send a request
>>>>      with only suggest.q=... to my /suggest request handler and get
>>>>      back distributed suggestions?
>> The SuggestComponent works in distributed mode and it will request and
>> merge results from all shards.
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> Andrea

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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