The problem isn't a particular email message - I get a cascade of those errors (every time a new message is received) once the server "breaks". The fix is to restart the server. I did find a Java heap error in the log - so I've increased the memory allocation (now to -Xms512m -Xmx2048m). I had thought that a heap failure would result in "simple" termination - and that systemd would restart it appropriately - but obviously I'm missing something.

I was hoping to be able to help find whatever the bug might be - if indeed there is one - or if the problem is simply not enough memory available to Solr.

As for the Dovecot specifics, if you'll check the Dovecot user mailing list archives for "Solr 6.4.1 config" you should find my post, including my config. If you need it I'll be happy to re-post that message here. Searching is performed by the IMAP clients via Dovecot - so no manual Solr queries are performed. I simply use the search function of my mail clients that support server-side searches (Thunderbird for Windoze/Linux, AquaMail for Android).


On 4/24/2017 5:43 PM, Rick Leir wrote:
Would it be too much trouble to get some text out of that particular email 
message, and try it in the Solr Admin Analysis tool?

By the way, I also have my email in Dovecot. Would you be able to describe how 
you index it and how you query to find an email? Perhaps with scripts in a 
github project?
Thanks -- Rick

On April 24, 2017 5:55:29 PM EDT, Daniel Miller <> wrote:
I'm running Solr 6.4.2 to index my mail server (Dovecot). Searching is
great - but periodically I have Solr errors. Previously, when an error
would occur Solr would terminate.  I now have it running as a systemd
service so it would auto-restart - but it seems like that doesn't solve

Some of the log lines include:

2017-04-24 18:18:31.101 ERROR (qtp594427726-30) [   x:dovecot]
o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:
Exception writing document id
17697/7db132200dd2df4d2f7b00003bc41c5f/ to the index;
possible analysis error.

2017-04-24 18:18:31.125 ERROR (qtp594427726-32) [   x:dovecot]
o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error
opening new searcher

I don't know what else to provide to try to troubleshoot this.


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