On 4/26/2017 11:57 PM, Derek Poh wrote:
> There are some common fields between them.
> At the source data end (database), the supplier info and product info
> are updated separately. In this regard, I should separate them?
> If it's In 1 single collection, when there are updatesto only the
> supplier info,the product info will be index again even though there
> is noupdates to them, Is my reasoning valid?
> On 4/27/2017 1:33 PM, Walter Underwood wrote:
>> Do they have the same fields or different fields? Are they updated
>> separately or together?
>> If they have the same fields and are updated together, I’d put them
>> in the same collection. Otherwise, probably separate. 

Walter's statements are right on the money, you just might need a little
more detail.

There are are two critical details that decide whether you even CAN
combine different data in a single index: One is that all types of
records must use the same field (the uniqueKey field) to determine
uniqueness, and the value of this field must be unique across the entire
dataset.  The other is that there SHOULD be a field with a name like
"type" that your search client can use to differentiate the different
kinds of documents.  This type field is not necessary, but it does make
things easier.

Assuming you CAN combine documents, there is still the question of
whether you SHOULD.  If the fields that you will commonly search are the
same between the different kinds of documents, and if people want to be
able to do one search and get more than one of the document types you
are indexing, then it is something you should consider.  If people will
only ever search one type of document, you should probably keep them in
separate indexes to keep things cleaner.


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