On 4/27/2017 5:40 PM, Erick Erickson wrote:
> I'm unclear why DIH an deep paging are mixed. DIH is indexing and deep paging 
> is querying.
> If it's querying, consider cursorMark or the /export handler. 
> https://lucidworks.com/2013/12/12/coming-soon-to-solr-efficient-cursor-based-iteration-of-large-result-sets/

Very likely they are using SolrEntityProcessor.

Vijay, if the source server were running 4.7 (or later) instead of 4.5,
you could enable cursorMark for SolrEntityProcessor in 6.5.0 as Erick
mentioned, and pagination would be immensely more efficient. 
Unfortunately, 4.5 doesn't support cursorMark.


Any chance you could upgrade the source server to a later 4.x version?


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