On Thu, 2017-04-27 at 23:20 +0000, Suresh Pendap wrote:
> Number of Solr Nodes: 4
> Number of shards: 2
> replication-factor:  2
> Index size: 55 GB
> Shard/Core size: 27.7 GB
> maxConnsPerHost: 1000

The overhead of sharding is not trivial. Your overall index size is
fairly small, relative to your hardware. As your latency is
(assumedly) fine around 30-40ms and you are chasing query throughput,
you should try switching to 1 shard / 4 replica. It should improve your
throughput and will not hurt latency much (latency might also improve,
but that is more uncertain).

> The type of queries are mostly of the below pattern
> q=*:*&fl=orderNo,purchaseOrderNos,timestamp,eventName,eventID,_src_&f
> q=((orderNo:<orderNoValue>+AND+purchaseOrderNos:<purchaseOrderNoValue
> )+OR+(+orderNo:<orderNoValue)+OR+(+purchaseOrderNos:<purchaseOrderNoV
> alue>))&sort=eventTimestamp+desc&rows=20&wt=javabin&version=2

That seems a but strange. Why don't you use q instead of fq for the
part of your request that changes?
Toke Eskildsen, Royal Danish Library

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