On 4/27/2017 10:06 PM, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo wrote:
> I'm using Solr 6.4.2, and I realized that for those fields which has no
> values, the field name is not index into Solr.
> It was working fine in the previous version.
> Any reason for this or any settings which needs to be done so that the
> field name can be indexed even though it's value is empty?

The example configs in newer versions that use "schemaless" mode, which
include basic_configs and data_driven_schema_configs, include an update
processor that removes fields with a blank value.

If you remove this line from solrconfig.xml, it should cure that problem:

    <processor class="solr.RemoveBlankFieldUpdateProcessorFactory"/>

If it were me, I would completely remove all references to
"add-unknown-fields-to-the-schema", or use sample_techproducts_configs
as the starting point for my configuration, because it doesn't have that
update processor.


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