I used org.apache.solr.search.LuceneQParser instead of
org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.QueryParser and now our code works.
Here are some excerpts:
        QParser qParser = getParser(core, solrQueryString);
        Query query = qParser.parse();

private QParser getParser(final SolrCore corer, final String queryStr) {
        SolrQueryRequest req = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(core, queryStr,
null, 0, -1, new HashMap());

        QParser qParser = null;
        try {
            qParser = LuceneQParser.getParser(queryStr, null, req);
        } catch (SyntaxError e) {
            log.error("Failed to get LuceneQParser", e);

        return qParser;

Thanks again,


On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 6:19 PM, Victor Solakhian <vsolakh...@gmail.com>

> Hi Chris,
> I think you are leading me to  the right direction.
> I'm not sure how that would have worked in Solr 4.5, ... unless
>> perhaps your definition of a "date" field was different in the schema's
>> you used in 4.5, and did not involve a Trie based date field  (the very
>> old legacy date format ields used a simple String based encoding that
>> might have worked)
> You are right. In Solr 4.5 we had:
> <field name="valid_date" type="pdate" indexed="true" stored="false" />
> <fieldType name="pdate" class="solr.DateField" sortMissingLast="true"
> omitNorms="true"/>
> I will need some time to digest all information you provided. I will let
> you know.
> Thank you very much.
> Victor
> On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 2:45 PM, Chris Hostetter <hossman_luc...@fucit.org
> > wrote:
>> : The correct way for a plugin to do the sort of thing you are trying to
>> do
>> : would be to use an instance of SolrQueryParser -- see for example the
>> code
>> : in LuceneQParser and how it uses SolrQueryParser ... you'll most likeley
>> : just want to use LuceneQParser directly in your plugin to simplify
>> things.
>> ...or depending on how low level you want to deal with things, consider
>> using IndexSchema.getField(...).getFieldType().getRangeQuery(null, ...)
>> to
>> build your range Query object directly from the low/high end points
>> provided as input instead of needing to build a string just to parse it
>> again.
>> -Hoss
>> http://www.lucidworks.com/

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