Json facet on string fields run lot slower than on numeric fields. Try and
see if you can represent studentid as a numeric field.

On Apr 30, 2017 1:19 PM, "Mikhail Ibraheem" <mikhail.ibrah...@oracle.com>

> Hi,
> I am trying to do aggregation with JSON faceting but performance is very
> bad for one of the requests:
> json.facet={
>    studentId:{
>       type:terms,
>       limit:-1,
>       field:"studentId",
>                   facet:{
>                   x:"sum(grades)"
>                   }
>    }
> }
> This request finishes in 250 seconds, and we can't paginate for this
> service for functional reason so we have to use limit:-1, and the
> cardinality of the studentId is 7500.
> If I try the same with flat facet it finishes in 3 seconds :
> stats=true&facet=true&stats.field={!tag=piv1
> sum=true}grades&facet.pivot={!stats=piv1}studentId
> We are hoping to use one approach json or flat for all our services. JSON
> facet performance is better for many case.
> Please advise on why the performance for this is so bad and if we can
> improve it. Also what is the default algorithm used for json facet.
> Thanks
> Mikhail

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