On 5/9/2017 6:06 AM, sajjad karimi wrote:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43857712/could-not-initialize-class-jdbcsynonymfilterfactory
> I'm new to solr, I want to add a field type with JdbcSynonymFilter and
> JdbcStopFilter to solr schema. I added my data source same as instruction
> in this link: [Loading stopwords from Postgresql to Solr6][1]

You asked this same question an hour ago.  An hour is not enough time
for a mailing list to respond.  You should wait several days for an answer.

This is third party software.  Your best bet is to ask the authors of
that software how to get it working.  If they believe that the problems
are not related to their software, then you can bring the information
they give you back to this list.


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