Thanks, Shawn.

As of now, we don't have any performance issues, We are just working for
the future purpose.

So I was looking for any general architecture which is agreed by many of
Solr experts.


On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 8:19 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 5/11/2017 7:39 AM, Venkateswarlu Bommineni wrote:
> > In current design we have below configuration: *One collection with
> > one shard with 4 replication factor with 4 nodes.* as of now, it is
> > working fine.but once we launch our application all across the world
> > it may give performance issues. To improve the performance below is
> > our thought: one of the design we found is: *Adding a new node and
> > adding a new replication to existing solrcloud.* Please suggest any
> > other approaches which give better performance.
> Knowing the number of nodes, shards, and replicas is not enough
> information to even make guesses.
> we-dont-have-a-definitive-answer/
> Even with a LOT more information, any recommendations we made would be
> just that -- guesses.  Those guesses might be completely wrong, or
> represent a lot more expense than you really need.
> The exact kind of setup you need is affected by a great many things.
> Here's a few of them: request rate, complexity of queries, contents of the
> index, size of the index, Solr cache settings, schema settings, number of
> documents, number of shards, amount of memory in the server, amount of
> memory in the java heap.
> Even the phrase "improve our performance" is vague.  What kind of
> performance issue are you having?
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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