
I've been experimenting with various sharding strategies with Solr cloud
(6.5.1), and am seeing some odd behavior when using the implicit router. I
am probably either doing something wrong or misinterpreting what I am
seeing in the logs, but if someone could help clarify that would be awesome.

I created a collection using the implicit router, created 10 shards, named
shard1, shard2, etc. I indexed 3000 documents to each shard, routed by
setting the _route_ field on the documents in my schema. All works fine, I
verified there are 3000 documents in each shard.

The odd behavior I am seeing is when I try to route a query to a specific
shard. I submitted a simple query to shard1 using the request parameter
_route_=shard1. The query comes back fine, but when I looked in the logs,
it looked like it was issuing 3 separate requests:

1. The original query to shard1
2. A 2nd query to shard1 with the parameter ids=a bunch of document ids
3. The original query to a random shard (changes every time I run the query)

It looks like the first query is getting back a list of ids, and the 2nd
query is retrieving the documents for those ids? I assume this is some solr
cloud implementation detail.

What I don't understand is the 3rd query. Why is it issuing the original
query to a random shard every time, when I am specifying the _route_? The
_route_ parameter is definitely doing something, because if I remove it, it
is querying all shards (which I would expect).

Any ideas? I can provide the actual queries from the logs if required.



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