I think it's depends what you are backing up and restoring from. Hardware 
failure? Accidental delete?  For my use case my master indexer stores the index 
on a San with daily snap shots for reliability, then my live searching master 
is on a San as well, my live slave searchers are all on SSD drives for speed. 
In my situation that means the test index is backed up daily. A copy of the 
live index is backed up daily and the SSD's can die and it doesn't matter to 
me.  I don't think there is a best practice, just find how risk adverse you are 
and how much performance you require

> On May 16, 2017, at 6:38 PM, Jay Potharaju <jspothar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if there are any best practices for doing solr backup &
> restore. In the past when running backup, I stopped indexing during the
> backup process.
> I am looking at this documentation and it says that indexing can continue
> when backup is in progress.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Making+and+Restoring+Backups
> Any recommendations ?
> -- 
> Thanks
> Jay

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