On 5/17/2017 6:18 AM, Thomas Porschberg wrote:
> Thank you. I am now a step further.
> I could import data into the new collection with the DIH. However I observed 
> the following exception 
> in solr.log:
> request: 
> Remote error message: This IndexSchema is not mutable.

This probably means that the configuration has an update processor that
adds unknown fields, but is using the classic schema instead of the
managed schema.  If you want unknown fields to automatically be guessed
and added, then you need the managed schema.  If not, then remove the
custom update processor chain.  If this doesn't sound like what's wrong,
then we will need the entire error message including the full Java
stacktrace.  That may be in the other instance's solr.log file.

> I imagine to split my data per day of the year. My idea was to create 365 
> shards of type compositeKey.

You cannot control shard routing explicitly with the compositeId
router.  That router uses a hash of the uniqueKey field to decide which
shard gets the document.  As its name implies, the hash can be composite
-- parts of the hash can be decided by multiple parts of the value in
the field, but it's still hashed.

You must use the implicit router (which means all routing is manual) if
you want to explicitly name the shard that receives the data.


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