On 5/17/2017 10:42 AM, Rick Leir wrote:
> Chris, Shawn,
> I am using 5.2.1 . Neither the array (Shawn) nor the document list (Chris) 
> works for me in the Admin panel. However, CSV works fine.
> Clearly we are long overdue for an upgrade. 

I checked the PDF reference guide for 5.2 and it looks like the curl
examples are the same in that version of the reference guide as they are
in the current guide.  Maybe 5.2.1 has a bug.  If so, it would need to
be demonstrated in a current version.

I found this bug, but it's OLD, and fixed clear back in 3.x:


What exactly happens when you try the format I pointed you to and the
format that Chris suggested?  Are you getting an error?  If so, seeing
the full error message from the solr log might be helpful.


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