If you want all the replicas for shard1 on the same port then I think the
rule is: 'shard:shard1,replica:port:8983'

On 22 May 2017 at 18:47, Bernd Fehling <bernd.fehl...@uni-bielefeld.de>

> I tried many settings with "Rule-based Replica Placement" on Solr 6.5.1
> and came to the conclusion that it is not working at all.
> My test setup is 6 nodes on 3 servers (port 8983 and 7574 on each server).
> The call to create a new collection is
> "http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=boss&;
> collection.configName=boss_configs&numShards=3&replicationFactor=2&
> maxShardsPerNode=1&rule=shard:shard1,replica:<2,port:8983"
> With "rule=shard:shard1,replica:<2,port:8983" I expect that shard1 has
> only nodes with port 8983 _OR_ it shoud fail due to "strict mode" because
> the fuzzy operator "~" it not set.
> The result of the call is:
> shard1 --> server2:7574 / server1:8983
> shard2 --> server1:7574 / server3:8983
> shard3 --> server2:8983 / server3:7574
> The expected result should be (at least!!!) shard1 --> server_x:8983 /
> server_y:8983
> where "_x" and "_y" can be anything between 1 and 3 but must be different.
> I think the problem is somewhere in "class ReplicaAssigner" with
> "tryAllPermutations"
> and "tryAPermutationOfRules".
> Regards
> Bernd

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