I would probably start by renting a VM at a third location to run Zookeeper.

-----Original message-----
> From:Jan Høydahl <jan....@cominvent.com>
> Sent: Tuesday 23rd May 2017 11:09
> To: solr-user <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
> Subject: Spread SolrCloud across two locations
> Hi,
> A customer has two locations (a few km apart) with super-fast networking 
> in-between, so for day-to-day operation they view all VMs in both locations 
> as a pool of servers. They typically spin up redundant servers for various 
> services in each zone and if a zone should fail (they are a few km apart), 
> the other will just continue working.
> How can we best support such a setup with Cloud and Zookeeper? 
> They do not need (or want) CDCR since latency and bandwidth is no problem, 
> and CDCR is active-passive only so it anyway requires manual intervention to 
> catch up if indexing is switched to the passive DC temporarily.
> If it was not for ZK I would setup one Cloud cluster and make sure each shard 
> was replicated cross zones and all would be fine.
> But ZK really requires a third location in order to tolerate loss of an 
> entire location/zone.
> All solutions I can think of involves manual intervention, re-configuring of 
> ZK followed by a restart of the surviving Solr nodes in order to point to the 
> “new” ZK.
> How have you guys solved such setups?
> --
> Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
> Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

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