
Which version of solr are you on?
Increasing memory may not be useful as streaming API does not keep stuff in
memory (except may be hash joins).
Increasing replicas (not sharding) and pushing the join computation on
worker solr cluster with #workers > 1 would definitely make things faster.
Are you limiting your results at some cutoff? if yes, then SOLR-10698
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-10698> can be useful fix. Also
binary response format for streaming would be faster. (available in 6.5

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 3:04 PM, thiaga rajan <
ecethiagu2...@yahoo.co.in.invalid> wrote:

> We are working on a proposal and feeling streaming API along with export
> handler will best fit for our usecases. We are already of having a
> structure in solr in which we are using graph queries to produce
> hierarchical structure. Now from the structure we need to join couple of
> more collections.         We have 5 different collections.
>           Collection 1- 800 k records.
> Collection 2- 200k records.                                   Collection 3
> - 7k records.                                       Collection 4 - 6
> million records.                             Collection 5 - 150 k records
>                             we are using the below strategy
>             innerJoin( intersect( innerJoin(collection 1,collection 2),
> innerJoin(Collection 3, Collection 4)), collection 5).
>                We are seeing performance is too slow when we start having
> collection 4. Just with collection 1 2 5 the results are coming in 2 secs.
> The moment I have included collection 4 in the query I could see  a
> performance impact. I believe exporting large results from collection 4 is
> causing the issie. Currently I am using single sharded collection with no
> replica. I thinking if we can increase the memory as first option to
> increase performance as processing doc values need more memory. Then if
> that did not worked I can check using parallel stream/ sharding. Kindly
> advise is there could be anything else I  missing?
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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