Specifying ZK_HOST in the solr.in.sh file works fine for me.

bq:  running bin/solr start does not start up in cloud mode despite having
ZK_HOST set in /etc/default/solr.in.sh.

I don't  think the startup script would even look in /etc/default for
solr.in.sh unless you've defined a "HOME" env variable pointing there.
And even then it needs to be a hidden file (the "." in
$HOME/.solr.in.sh). See the "CONTROLLING STARTUP" section in bin/solr:

# the following locations are searched in this order:
# ./
# $HOME/.solr.in.sh
# /usr/share/solr
# /usr/local/share/solr
# /var/solr/
# /opt/solr

(plus some other options...)


bq: "bin/solr start-c -z xxx/solr makes no difference."

Unless you've made a typo the -z parameter requires the ZK ensemble,
not a Solr node. The -c is unnecessary when -z is specified BTW. The
-c will start an _internal_ zookeeper in the absence of a -z


On Sat, Jun 3, 2017 at 8:09 AM, Lee Carroll
<lee.a.carr...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> running bin/solr start does not start up in cloud mode despite having
> ZK_HOST set in /etc/default/solr.in.sh.
> running openjdk 1.8
> solr 6.5.1 on aws linux
> zookeeper 3.4.6  on aws linux (3 node ensemble)
> logs look clean both in zookeeper and solr
> running  bin/solr zk ls / returns
> Connecting to ZooKeeper at ec2-xxx:2181,ec2-xxx:2181,ec2-xxx:2181/solr ...
> Getting listing for Zookeeper node / from ZooKeeper at
> ec2-34-196-159-23.compute-1.amazonaws.com:2181,
> ec2-34-196-204-202.compute-1.amazonaws.com:2181,
> ec2-34-196-212-108.compute-1.amazonaws.com:2181/solr recurse: false
> configs
> solr.xml
> This suggests that zk_hosts is being picked up and the connection looks ok
> woth the zk ensemble
> running  bin/solr start returns
> Waiting up to 180 seconds to see Solr running on port 8983 [\]
> Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=30467). Happy searching!
> but the status suggests we are in stand alone core mode
> bin/solr status
> Found 1 Solr nodes:
> Solr process 30467 running on port 8983
> {
>   "solr_home":"/var/solr/data",
>   "version":"6.5.1 cd1f23c63abe03ae650c75ec8ccb37762806cc75 - jimczi -
> 2017-04-21 12:23:42",
>   "startTime":"2017-06-03T15:02:53.995Z",
>   "uptime":"0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes, 5 seconds",
>   "memory":"23 MB (%4.7) of 490.7 MB"}
> and indeed trying to create collection fails
>  bin/solr create_collection -c destinations -n destinations
> ERROR: Solr at http://localhost:8983/solr is running in standalone server
> mode, please use the create_core command instead;
> create_collection can only be used when running in SolrCloud mode.
> forcing the issue with bin/solr start -c
> or even
>  bin/solr start-c -z xxx/solr makes no difference.
> I'm sure i'm missing something obvious in the solr.in.sh but can't find
> anything so far.
> Lee C

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