Hi All,

Appreciate if anyone can help to understand index side synonyms implementation

Sweta Parekh
Search / CRO - Associate Program Manager

From: Sweta Parekh
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:46 PM
To: 'solr-user@lucene.apache.org'
Subject: Managed Synonyms query

Hi All,

We are using managed synonyms functionality at index time but one-way & 
replacement are not working as desired. Below are some examples that are not 
Can anyone help to understand how the index time synonyms works in Solr . We 
are using edismax with mm=2>-1 5>100%, ps=5

Below entries highlighted in yellow are not working. We need to search to 
return results of "From" word along with "To" term but not vice-versa

rust-oleum ; rust-oleum, rust o leum-  this is not working
rust-oleum  ; rust-oleum, rust oleum -  in the analyzer it is showing that rust 
oleum is replaced with rust-oleum and then it should show result .
rust-oleum   ;rust-oleum, rust oleum Canada  this will work once above entry 
rust-oleum    ; rust-oleum, rust-oleum Canada   this is working
rust-oleum     ;rust-oleum, rustoleum canada  this is working

eye wash  ;   eye wash, douche occulaire  - this is not working
eye wash  ;   eye wash, douche oculaire - this is working

Gatorade; gatoraid - this is not working . We want to replace to term 
"gatoraid" with from term "Gatorade" but output is reversed. When we switch the 
entry, there is not impact of the rule

Sweta Parekh
Search / CRO - Associate Program Manager
Digital Marketing Services
Extn: 284887 | Mobile: +(91) 9004667625
eClerx Services Limited [www.eClerx.com<http://www.eclerx.com/>]

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