
-----Original message-----
> From:Michael Craven <>
> Sent: Friday 23rd June 2017 22:06
> To:
> Subject: Proximity searches with a wildcard
> I apologize in advance if this is too off topic or basic. I am a web 
> developer on a Drupal site tasked with trying to improve searching 
> capabilities for our users. A product manager asked to me if proximity 
> searches and wildcards worked on our search form. I did some testing and 
> found that, yes, each work. However, what does not seem to work is both 
> together. That is, looking for words or phrases near each other seems to work 
> and looking for truncated words like pregna* seems to work, but the two 
> together in one search string do not. Does anyone have experience in the 
> Drupal context that could give me some advice or point me to a resource that 
> can? 
> Thanks
> -Michael

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