Take a look at the solr logs, they'll give you a more explicit message.

My guess: Someone went into the Solr admin UI, clicked "core admin"
and then said "I wonder what this 'new core' button does?". The
default name is, you guessed it, "new_core". And if you don't have the
underlying directories set up already, there's no conf directory. And
so there's no solrconfig.xml to parse. And...

They can get past this by going into /var/solr/data and 'rm -rf new_core'.

Or, safer is to go in to


and rename core.properties to anything else. Solr won't try to load
the core then. This assumes a relatively modern Solr, 4.x and above.
Or at least one that does not have cores defined in solr.xml.


On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 9:00 AM, MatthewMeredith
<matthewmeredith...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Erick Erickson wrote
>> Sure, someone changed the system variable "solr.install.dir" (i.e.
>> -Dsolr.install.dir=some other place). Or removed it. Or changed the
>> startup script. Or....
>> I've gotten very skeptical of "we didn't change anything but suddenly
>> it stopped working". Usually it's something someone's changed
>> unbeknownst to the person you're interacting with.
>> The solr log usually shows the paths where everything gets loaded
>> from. You should be able to track where Solr is looking for all its
>> resources.
>> It's also possible one of the jars was corrupted on disk (disks do go
>> bad).
>> So you can also inspect the jars to see if that class. Here's a way to
>> look for one:
>> find . -name '*jar' -exec bash -c 'jar tvf {} | grep
>> ParserDiscoveryAnnotation' \; -print
>> where ParserDiscoveryAnnotation is the class you're not finding.
>> Best,
>> Erick
> Erick,
> Don't worry, I'm equally as sceptical of the situation... But my client
> doesn't have access to the server and I haven't been on in months... So
> unless my web host went tinkering :P Could an update have caused an issue?
> If I type in:
> as per the README file, I'm taken to /root. This doesn't seem right, does
> it? In my Solr Admin, the CWD is listed as /opt/solr-6.0.1/server and my
> core instance is at /var/solr/data/comox_core
> I tried going to the contrib/extraction/lib folder and running that find
> command, but I just got:
> bash: jar: command not found
> a bunch of times (once per .jar file, I assume).
> Another interesting thing is that when I opened my Solr Admin this morning,
> I was shown the following error:
> SolrCore Initialization Failures
> Hacked:
> org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:
> Could not load conf for core Hacked: Error loading solr config from
> /var/solr/data/new_core/conf/solrconfig.xml
> I have no idea where this "new_core" bit is coming from... I've only ever
> had one core (comox_core).
> I really appreciate any help you can give!
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Solr-PDF-parsing-failing-with-java-error-tp4342909p4343053.html
> Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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