On 7/12/2017 7:20 AM, Nawab Zada Asad Iqbal wrote:
> I am  wondering what is wrong if I pass both http and https port to
> underlying jetty sever , won't that be enough to have both http and https 
> access to solr ?

Jetty should be capable of doing both HTTP and HTTPS (on different
ports), but the instructions that the Solr project provides for SSL do
not set things up that way.

If you know how to configure Jetty, then you can do anything you want,
but the only way of doing SSL that is supported by the Solr project is
the method that disables HTTP.

The reason that we don't support both at the same time is that the
entire reason for enabling SSL is for security purposes.  Leaving HTTP
open defeats that goal.

In my opinion, the best way to secure Solr is to make sure it cannot be
reached from unauthorized locations.  In particular, having Solr
accessible from the open Internet is dangerous.  If Solr is only
reachable from specific authorized network addresses, then you do not
need encryption or authentication.


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