You get back QueryResponse after executing a query.  Then you can simply
use below to get qTime, ElapsedTime and numFound.




On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 4:29 PM, Steve Pruitt <> wrote:

> I'm having difficulty finding the value for numFound that is in the
> response.  My context is a custom component in the last-components list for
> /select.
> Where rb is the ResponseBuilder parameter for the process(..) method:
> rb.getNumberDocumentsFound() is 0.
> rb.totalHitCount is 0.
> I don't understand those values, why they are 0.
> rb.getResults().docList.size() returns only the row size from the query.
> I need the total hits.
> In the JavaDoc it states rb.rsp.getResponse() returns just an Object.  I
> found it to be an instance of BasicResultContext in my case.  But, nothing
> in its description hints at how to get at the total found.
> Can someone help?
> Thanks.
> -S

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