Hi Rehman,
I am not sure about your use case,  but why wouldn't you consider creating
shard for a particular date range like within a week from current date,  15
days,  a month and so on and so forth.

I have done a similar implementation elsewhere.
Can you tell more about your use case?


On Jul 18, 2017 1:04 PM, "rehman kahloon" <mrehman_kahl...@yahoo.com.invalid>

Hello Sir/Madam                    I am new to SolrCloud, Having ORACLE
technologies experience.
Now a days , i am comparing oracle and solrcloud using bigdata.
So i want to know how can i create time interval sharding.
e.g i have 10 machines, each machine for one shard and one date data, So
how can i fix next day data go to next shard and so on?

search too much but not found any command/way, that handle it from some
core/shard file.
So i request you please guide me.
thanks in advanced.
Kind Regards,Muhammad Rehman kahloonmrehman_kahl...@yahoo.com

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