Thanks Shawn for the detailed context.
I saw some Logger (java.util.logging) in one class in lucene folder, hence
I thought that logging is now properly supported. Since, i am using solr
(and indirectly lucene), I will use whatever solr is using.

Not depending on any concrete logger is good for lucene, as it is included
in other projects too.


On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 6:57 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 7/27/2017 10:57 AM, Nawab Zada Asad Iqbal wrote:
> > I see a lot of discussion on this topic from almost 10 years ago: e.g.,
> >
> >
> > For 4.5, I relied on 'System.out.println' for writing information for
> > debugging in production.
> >
> > In 6.6, I notice that some classes in Lucene are instantiating a Logger,
> > should I use Logger instead? I tried to log with it, but I don't see any
> > output in logs.
> You're asking about this on a Solr list, not a Lucene list.  I am not
> subscribed to the main Lucene user list, so I do not know if you have
> also sent this question to that list.
> Solr uses slf4j for logging.  Many of its dependencies have chosen other
> logging frameworks.
> With slf4j, you can utilize just about any supported logging
> implementation to do the actual end logging.  The end implementation
> chosen by the Solr project for version 4.3 and later is log4j 1.x.
> It is my understanding that Lucene's core module has zero dependencies
> -- it's pure Java.  That would include any external logging
> implementation.  I do not know if the core module even uses
> java.util.logging ... a quick grep for "Logger" suggests that there are
> no loggers in use in the core module at all, but it's possible that I
> have not scanned for the correct text.  I did notice that
> TestIndexWriter uses a PrintStream for logging, and Shalin's reply has
> reminded me about the infoStream feature.
> Looking at the source code, it does appear that some of the other Lucene
> modules do use a logger. Some of them appear to use the logger built
> into java, others seem to use one of the third-party implementations
> like slf4j.  Some of the dependent jars pulled in for non-core Lucene
> modules depend on various logging implementations.
> Logging frameworks can be the center of a religious flamewar.  Opinions
> run strong.  IMHO, if you are writing your own code, the best option is
> slf4j, bound to whatever end logging implementation you are most
> comfortable using.  You can install slf4j jars to intercept logging sent
> to the other common logging implementations and direct those through
> slf4j so they end up in the same place as everything else.
> Note if you want to use log4j2 as your end logging destination with
> slf4j: log4j2 comes with jars implementing the slf4j classes, so you're
> probably going to want to use those.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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