
Core per day is not too bad.  I assume you'll want to keep 7 days or maybe
30 or 60 or 180 days worth of logs.  That won't result in too many cores,
given adequate hardware.

Monitoring - Log Management - Alerting - Anomaly Detection
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On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 9:04 AM, Chellasamy G <chellasam...@zohocorp.com>

> Hi,
> I am working on a log management tool and considering to use solr to
> index/search the logs.
> I have few doubts about how to organize or create the cores.
> The tool  should process 200 million events per day with each event
> containing 40 to 50 fields. Currently I have planned to create a core per
> day pushing all the data to the day's core. This may lead to the creation
> of many cores. Is this a good design? If not please suggest a good
> design.(Also, if multiple cores are used, will it slowdown the solr
> process' uptime)
> Thanks,
> Satyan

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