Our most common use for solr is searching for products, not text search. My
company is in the process of migrating away from an Endeca search engine,
 the goal to keep the business happy is to make sure that search results
from the different engines be fairly similar, one area that we have found
that suppresses a result from being as good as it was in the old system is
the idf.

We are using Solr 6. After moving to it, a lot of our results got better,
but idf still seems to deaden some results. Given that our focus is product
searching I really don't see a need for idf at all. Previous to Solr 6 you
could suppress idf by providing a custom similarity class. Looking over the
newer documentation a lot of things have improved, but I'm not sure I see a
simple way to turn off idf in Solr 6's BM25 searcher.

How do I disable IDF in Solr 6?

We also do have needs for text searching so it would be nice if we could
suppress IDF on a field or schema level


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