Very interesting. Do you have many DocValue fields? Have you always
had them i.e. did you see this problem before you turned on DocValues?
The DocValue fields are in a separate file and they will be memory
mapped on demand. One thing you can experiment with is to use
preload=true option on the MMapDirectoryFactory which will mmap all
index files on startup [1]. Once you do this, and if you still notice
shared memory leakage then it may be a genuine memory leak that we
should investigate.

[1] -

On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 7:02 PM, Markus Jelsma
<> wrote:
> I do not think it is a problem of reporting after watching top after restart 
> of some Solr instances, it dropped back to `normal`, around 350 MB, which i 
> think it high to but anyway.
> Two hours later, the restarted nodes are slowly increasing shared memory 
> consumption to about 1500 MB now. I don't understand why shared memory usage 
> should/would increase slowly over time, it makes little sense to me and i 
> cannot remember Solr doing this in the past ten years.
> But it seems to correlate to index size on disk, these main text search nodes 
> have an index of around 16 GB and up 3 GB of shared memory after a few days. 
> Logs nodes up to 800 MB index size and 320 MB of shared memory, the low 
> latency nodes have four different cores that make up just over 100 MB index 
> size, shared memory consumption is just 22 MB, which seems more reasonable 
> for the case of shared memory.
> I can also force Solr to 'leak' shared memory just by sending queries to it. 
> My freshly restarted local node used 68 MB shared memory at startup. Two 
> minutes and 25.000 queries later it was already 2748 MB! At first there is a 
> very sharp increase to 2000, then it takes almost two minutes more to 
> increase to 2748. I can decrease the maximum shared memory usage to 1200 if i 
> query (via edismax) only on fields of one language instead of 25 orso. I can 
> decrease it as well further if i disable highlighting (HUH?) but still query 
> on all fields.
> * We have tried patching Java's ByteBuffer [1] because it seemed to fit the 
> problems, it does not fix it.
> * We have also removed all our custom plugins, so it has become a vanilla 
> Solr 6.6 just with our stripped down schema and solrconfig, it neither fixes 
> it.
> Why does it slowly increase over time?
> Why does it appear to correlate to index size?
> Is anyone else seeing this on their 6.6 cloud production or local machines?
> Thanks,
> Markus
> [1]:
> -----Original message-----
>> From:Shawn Heisey <>
>> Sent: Tuesday 22nd August 2017 17:32
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Solr uses lots of shared memory!
>> On 8/22/2017 7:24 AM, Markus Jelsma wrote:
>> > I have never seen this before, one of our collections, all nodes eating 
>> > tons of shared memory!
>> >
>> > Here's one of the nodes:
>> > 10497 solr      20   0 19.439g 4.505g 3.139g S   1.0 57.8   2511:46 java
>> >
>> > RSS is roughly equal to heap size + usual off-heap space + shared memory. 
>> > Virtual is equal to RSS and index size on disk. For two other collections, 
>> > the nodes use shared memory as expected, in the MB range.
>> >
>> > How can Solr, this collection, use so much shared memory? Why?
>> I've seen this on my own servers at work, and when I add up a subset of
>> the memory numbers I can see from the system, it ends up being more
>> memory than I even have in the server.
>> I suspect there is something odd going on in how Java reports memory
>> usage to the OS, or maybe a glitch in how Linux interprets Java's memory
>> usage.  At some point in the past, numbers were reported correctly.  I
>> do not know if the change came about because of a Solr upgrade, because
>> of a Java upgrade, or because of an OS kernel upgrade.  All three were
>> upgraded between when I know the numbers looked right and when I noticed
>> they were wrong.
>> This screenshot shows that Solr is using 17GB of memory, 41.45GB of
>> memory is being used by the OS disk cache, and 10.23GB of memory is
>> free.  Add those up, and it comes to 68.68GB ... but the machine only
>> has 64GB of memory, and that total doesn't include the memory usage of
>> the other processes seen in the screenshot.  This impossible situation
>> means that something is being misreported somewhere.  If I deduct that
>> 11GB of SHR from the RES value, then all the numbers work.
>> The screenshot was almost 3 years ago, so I do not know what machine it
>> came from, and therefore I can't be sure what the actual heap size was.
>> I think it was about 6GB -- the difference between RES and SHR.  I have
>> used a 6GB heap on some of my production servers in the past.  The
>> server where I got this screenshot was not having any noticeable
>> performance or memory problems, so I think that I can trust that the
>> main numbers above the process list (which only come from the OS) are
>> correct.
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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