Hello everybody,

We are seeing that the below query is running very slow and taking almost 4
seconds to finish

[<shard7_replica1>] webapp=/solr path=/select
hits=0 status=0 QTime=3663

It seems like the abstract_or_primary_product_id:* clause is contributing
to the overall response time. It seems that the
abstract_or_primary_product_id:* . clause is not adding any value in the
query criteria and can be safely removed.  Is my understanding correct?

I would like to know if the order of the clauses in the AND query would
affect the response time of the query?

For e.g . f1: 3 AND f2:10 AND f3:* vs . f3:* AND f1:3 AND f2:10

Doesn't Lucene/Solr pick up the optimal query execution plan?

Is there anyway to look at the query execution plan generated by Lucene?


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