The closest thing to an execution plan that I know of is debug=true.That'll
show timings of some of the components
I also find it useful to add echoParams=all when troubleshooting. That'll
show every param solr is using for the request, including params set in
solrconfig.xml and not passed in the request. This can help explain the
debug output (e.g. what queryparser is being used, if fields are being
expanded through field aliases, etc.).

On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 1:35 PM suresh pendap <>

> Hello everybody,
> We are seeing that the below query is running very slow and taking almost 4
> seconds to finish
> [<shard7_replica1>] webapp=/solr path=/select
> params={df=_text_&distrib=false&fl=id&shards.purpose=4&start=0&fsv=true&sort=modified_dtm+desc&shard.url=http://
> <host1>:8983/solr/flat_product_index_shard7_replica1/%7Chttp://<host2>:8983/solr/flat_product_index_shard7_replica2/%7Chttp://<host3>:8983/solr/flat_product_index_shard7_replica0/&rows=11&version=2&q=product_identifier_type:DOTCOM_OFFER+AND+abstract_or_primary_product_id:*+AND+(gtin:<numericValue>)+AND+-product_class_type:BUNDLE+AND+-hasProduct:N&NOW=1504196301534&isShard=true&timeAllowed=25000&wt=javabin}
> hits=0 status=0 QTime=3663
> It seems like the abstract_or_primary_product_id:* clause is contributing
> to the overall response time. It seems that the
> abstract_or_primary_product_id:* . clause is not adding any value in the
> query criteria and can be safely removed.  Is my understanding correct?
> I would like to know if the order of the clauses in the AND query would
> affect the response time of the query?
> For e.g . f1: 3 AND f2:10 AND f3:* vs . f3:* AND f1:3 AND f2:10
> Doesn't Lucene/Solr pick up the optimal query execution plan?
> Is there anyway to look at the query execution plan generated by Lucene?
> Regards
> Suresh

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