On 9/3/2017 10:31 PM, Yasufumi Mizoguchi wrote:
> I am testing UnifiedHighlighter(hl.method=unified) with Solr 6.6 and
> found that the highlighter returns following error when hl.fl
> parameter has undefined fields.
> The error occurs even if hl.fl parameter has ", "(<COMMA> + <SPACE>)
> as a field delimiter. (e.g. hl.fl=name, manu)
> Is this a bug? I think that the highlighter should set OffsetSource as
> "NONE_NEEDED", if fields are not available.... 

I think Solr is doing exactly what it should in this instance.  If you
ask Solr to use a field that it doesn't have, immediately returning an
error message is the right thing to do.  If Solr were to ignore the
error and proceed with the request anyway, then the person making the
request might never know that they have made a mistake.


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