By default Solr uses the “TieredMergePolicy”[1], but it can be configured in 
solrconfig, see [2].  Merges can be triggered for different reasons, but most 
commonly by segment flushes (commits) or other merges finishing.

Here is a nice visual demo of segment merging (a bit old but still mostly 
applies AFAIK): [3]



> On Sep 7, 2017, at 10:00 AM, wrote:
> Hi  all,
> I use SolrCloud with  some collections with 3  shards each. 
> Every day I insert and remove documents from collections. I  know that solr 
> starts optimizer in background to optimize indexes. 
> Which  is the policy that solr applies in order  to start optimizer 
> automatically ? Number of deleted documents? Number of segments? 
> Thanks.

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