On 9/14/2017 5:06 AM, Mannott, Birgit wrote:
> I have a problem when searching on email addresses.
> @ seems to be handled as a special character but I don't find anything about 
> it in the documentation.
> This is my test data
> t...@one.com
> t...@two.com

Chances are that have analysis defined on this field, and that the
analysis includes a tokenizer or tokenizer/filter combination that
splits on punctuation.  This means that for the both entries, you have
three terms.  For the first one, those terms are test, one, and com. 
For the second one, they are test,  two, and com.  The rest of what I'm
writing assumes that this is the case.

> searching for test* results both, ok.

This matches the term "test" in both entries.

> searching for t...@one.com results the correct one, ok.

Query analysis probably splits the same way index analysis does, so the 
actual search is for all three terms.

> searching for test results both, what I didn't expect but it's ok.

In this case, it matches the simple term "test" that's in the index on
both documents.

> searching for test@one* results none and that's the problem.

When you include wildcards in a query, most query analysis is skipped, 
so it's looking for the literal text "test@one" followed by any
characters.  Because the index analysis removed the @ character and
split the things around it into separate terms, this will not match any
of the terms in the index.

Wildcards, while they do work in many cases, are often not the correct
way to do queries.


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