On 9/14/2017 10:18 AM, Ravi Kumar Taminidi wrote:
> Hi Any one tried, have  2 solr Instance with One Data Directory. 
> I get below Error when i try to point the 2nd solr to the first solr 
> directory.
> Any help ?
> org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: 
> Index dir '/engine/data/index/' of core 'engine' is already locked. The most 
> likely cause is another Solr server (or another solr core in this server) 
> also configured to use this directory; other possible causes may be specific 
> to lockType: native

Don't do this.  Lucene (the technology that powers Solr) is specifically
designed to NOT allow this to happen.  It is blocked intentionally.

Solr offers at least two ways to replicate data between servers, where
each one has its own separate index.  The most feature-rich option for
data replication is a fundamental feature of SolrCloud.


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