
bq: The part I'm trying to understand is whether the memory footprint
is higher for 6.6...

bq:  it has two collections, one being introduced with 6.6 upgrade

If I'm reading this right, you added another collection to the system
as part of the upgrade. Of course it will take more memory. Especially
if your new collection is configured to, say, inefficiently use
caches, or you group or sort or facet on fields that are not
docValues. Or.....

That information would have saved people quite a bit of time if you'd
posted it first.


On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 9:03 AM, shamik <> wrote:
> Walter, thanks again. Here's some information on the index and search
> feature.
> The index size is close to 25gb, with 20 million documents. it has two
> collections, one being introduced with 6.6 upgrade. The primary collection
> carries the bulk of the index, newly formed one being aimed at getting
> populated going forward. Besides keyword search, the search has a bunch of
> facets, which are configured to use docvalues. The notable search features
> being used are highlighter, query elevation, mlt and suggester. The other
> change from 5.5 was to replace Porter Stemmer with Lemmatizer in the
> analysis channel.
> --
> Sent from:

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