1.  We are moving from 4.X to 6.6.
  2.  Changed the schema - adding the version etc nothing major.
  3.  Full re-index of documents into the cluster - so this is not a migration.
  4.  Changed the the JVM parameter from 12GB to 16GB and did a restart.
  5.  Replicates go into recovery which fails to complete after many hours. 
They still respond to queries but the /update POST from the replicates fails 
with the 500 server error and a stack trace because of the number format 

My other cluster  does not reuse any nodes. The restart went as expected with 
the JVM change. Al

From: Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2017 8:25:32 AM
To: solr-user
Subject: Re: Replicates not recovering after rolling restart

Hmmm, I didn't ask what version you're upgrading _from_. 5 years ago
would be Solr 4. Are you replacing Solr 5 or 4? I'm guessing 5, but
want to check unlikely possibilities.

Next question: I'm assuming all your nodes have been upgraded to Solr 6, right?


On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 7:18 PM, Bill Oconnor <bocon...@plos.org> wrote:
> I have no clue where that number comes from it does not seem to be in the 
> actual post to the leader as seen in my tcpdump.   It is mystery.
> ________________________________
> From: Walter Underwood <wun...@wunderwood.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 7:00:53 PM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Replicates not recovering after rolling restart
>> On Sep 20, 2017, at 6:15 PM, Bill Oconnor <bocon...@plos.org> wrote:
>> I restart using the standard "sudo service solr start/stop"
> You might look into what that actually does.
> wunder
> Walter Underwood
> wun...@wunderwood.org
> http://observer.wunderwood.org/  (my blog)

Most Casual Observer<http://observer.wunderwood.org/>


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