Probably your best bet is to create a new QParser(Plugin) that uses Lucene's QueryParser directly. We probably should have that available anyway in the core, just so folks coming from Lucene Java have the same QueryParser.


On Sep 2, 2008, at 7:11 AM, Brian Carmalt wrote:

Hello all,

I need to get wildcard searches with highlighting up and running. I'd
like to get it to work with a DismaxHandler, but I'll settle with
starting with the StandardRequestHandler. I've been reading the some of
the past mails on wildcard searches and Solr-195. It seems I need to
change the default behavior for wildcards from PrefixFilter to a
I know that I will have to deal with TooManyClauses Exceptions, but I
want to paly around with it.

I have read that this can only be done by modifying the code, but I
cann't seem to find the correct section. Can someone point me in the
right direction? Thanks.

- Brian

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