: I am seeing that in different test runs (e.g., by executing 'ant test' on
: the root folder in 'lucene-solr') a different subset of tests are skipped.
: Where can I find more about it? I am trying to create parity between test
: successes before and after my changes and this is causing  confusion.

The test randomization logic creates an arbitrary "master seed" that is 
assigned by ant.  This master seed is 
then used to generate some randomized default properties for the the 
forked JVMs (default timezones, default Locale, default charset, etc...)

Each test class run in a forked JVM then gets it's own Random seed 
(generated fro mthe master seed as well) which the solr test-framework 
uses to randomize some more things (that are specific to the solr 

In some cases, tests have @Assume of assumeThat(...) logic in if we know 
that certain tests are completely incompatible with certain randomized 
aspects of the environemnt -- for example: some tests won't bothe to run 
if the randomized Locale uses "tr" because of external third-party 
dependencies that break with this Locale (due to upercase/lowercase 

This is most likeley the reason you are seeing a diff "set" of tests run 
on diff times.  But if you want true parity between test runs, use the 
same master seed -- which is printed at the begining of every "ant 
test" run, as well as any time a test fails, and can be overridden on the 
ant command line for future runs.

run "ant test-help" for the specifics.


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