In the Solr Wiki, Shawn Heisey writes the following:

"Regardless of the number of nodes or available resources, SolrCloud begins
to have stability problems when the number of collections reaches the low
hundreds. With thousands of collections, any little problem or change to
the cluster can cause a stability death spiral that may not recover for
tens of minutes. Try to keep the number of collections as low as possible.
These problems are due to how SolrCloud updates cluster state in zookeeper
in response to cluster changes. Work is underway to try and improve this

I'd like to know if this would apply to a standalone Solr system (embedded
Zk) with one collection and the low hundreds of shards (e.g. 1 node, 1
collection and 200 shards).

If there's any JIRA tickets we should track regarding the work that's
underway to resolve this situation please provide them. Thanks!

We are currently using 5.3.1

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