Amrit Sarkar wrote:

>> Strange,
>> Can you add: "text/html;charset=utf-8". This is page's
>> Content-Type. Let's see what it says now.

Same thing.  Verified Content-Type:

quadra[git:master]$ wget -S -O /dev/null http://quadra:9091/ |& grep 
  Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
quadra[git:master]$ ]

quadra[git:master]$ docker exec -it --user=solr solr bin/post -c handbook 
http://quadra:9091/ -recursive 10 -delay 0 -filetypes md
/docker-java-home/jre/bin/java -classpath /opt/solr/dist/solr-core-7.0.1.jar 
-Dauto=yes -Drecursive=10 -Ddelay=0 -Dfiletypes=md -Dc=handbook -Ddata=web 
org.apache.solr.util.SimplePostTool http://quadra:9091/
SimplePostTool version 5.0.0
Posting web pages to Solr url http://localhost:8983/solr/handbook/update/extract
Entering auto mode. Indexing pages with content-types corresponding to file 
endings md
SimplePostTool: WARNING: Never crawl an external web site faster than every 10 
seconds, your IP will probably be blocked
Entering recursive mode, depth=10, delay=0s
Entering crawl at level 0 (1 links total, 1 new)
SimplePostTool: WARNING: Skipping URL with unsupported type text/html
SimplePostTool: WARNING: The URL http://quadra:9091/ returned a HTTP 
result status of 415
0 web pages indexed.
COMMITting Solr index changes to 
Time spent: 0:00:00.531


>> Amrit Sarkar
>> Search Engineer
>> Lucidworks, Inc.
>> 415-589-9269
>> Twitter
>> LinkedIn:
>> On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 6:44 PM, Kevin Layer <> wrote:
>> > OK, so I hacked markserv to add Content-Type text/html, but now I get
>> >
>> > SimplePostTool: WARNING: Skipping URL with unsupported type text/html
>> >
>> > What is it expecting?
>> >
>> > $ docker exec -it --user=solr solr bin/post -c handbook
>> > http://quadra:9091/ -recursive 10 -delay 0 -filetypes md
>> > /docker-java-home/jre/bin/java -classpath 
>> > /opt/solr/dist/solr-core-7.0.1.jar
>> > -Dauto=yes -Drecursive=10 -Ddelay=0 -Dfiletypes=md -Dc=handbook -Ddata=web
>> > org.apache.solr.util.SimplePostTool http://quadra:9091/
>> > SimplePostTool version 5.0.0
>> > Posting web pages to Solr url http://localhost:8983/solr/
>> > handbook/update/extract
>> > Entering auto mode. Indexing pages with content-types corresponding to
>> > file endings md
>> > SimplePostTool: WARNING: Never crawl an external web site faster than
>> > every 10 seconds, your IP will probably be blocked
>> > Entering recursive mode, depth=10, delay=0s
>> > Entering crawl at level 0 (1 links total, 1 new)
>> > SimplePostTool: WARNING: Skipping URL with unsupported type text/html
>> > SimplePostTool: WARNING: The URL http://quadra:9091/ returned a
>> > HTTP result status of 415
>> > 0 web pages indexed.
>> > COMMITting Solr index changes to http://localhost:8983/solr/
>> > handbook/update/extract...
>> > Time spent: 0:00:03.882
>> > $
>> >
>> > Thanks.
>> >
>> > Kevin
>> >

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